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TrichoGene-Minoxidil Response Test (MRT) will save you time and money for hair loss treatment

Minoxidil is the only FDA-approved drug regularly prescribed by doctors for hair loss treatment. Minoxidil treatment is the gold standard and works more effectively for hair regrowth. The only drawback is that minoxidil will work only in 50% of men and 40% of women, the rest of them are non-responders to topical minoxidil. Minoxidil will take 6 to 8 months to see the results. Minoxidil activity varies from person to person based on levels of sulfotransferase enzyme. Minoxidil is in active form and the active form of minoxidil is minoxidil sulfate. Minoxidil will be converted into minoxidil sulfate by an enzyme minoxidil sulphotransferase. The active minoxidil sulfate will work efficiently on scalp region and promotes hair regrowth. Sulphotransferase enzyme levels play an important role in minoxidil response. People with low levels of sulphotransferase levels will not respond to minoxidil treatment and vice versa.


Non-responders using minoxidil for hair loss treatment are frustrated because of not observe any improvement even after spending a lot of time and an amount. To solve this problem Indian Based startup company TrichoGene introduced  Minoxidil Response Test (MRT). With a simple buccal swab saliva sample you can get a detailed report of minoxidil response in as low as 7 working days. Now no need to wait for long periods and spend a lot of money unnecessary. If you are planning to use minoxidil  just log in to and order MRT test. You will receive MRT test kit through speed courier to your doorstep. You need to collect buccal swab sample as instructed and send it back to the lab. You will receive a Minoxidil response test report in 7 working days.

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Based on your clinical history and MRT your doctor will provide you with precision treatment that is very accurate and suitable for hair regrowth. We are providing this test for a very affordable price and it is the lowest in the market said the founders of Trichogene- Dr.M. Sai Babu and Rizwan Younus.

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